The atmosphere consists of 4 different layers amongst earths surface known as the troposhere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere. This is all layers in which protect the earth from strong sun rays. the earth is underneath the troposphere. Aircrafts fly through the stratosphere. The ozone layer is between the stratosphere and the mesosphere. And finally, the satalites and space stations are located in the termosphere. All of these layers are 150 miles away from earths surface. Along with protecting the earth from sun rays, it also protects the earth from hot temperatures.
Oxygen is what formed these layers in order to protect earths surface. The atmsphere is filled with many gases such as nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor, carbon dioxide, and argon. Water vapor is the gas that fills te earth with clouds and parcipitation. Carbon Dioxid supplies us with the earths warmth and supplies plants with a gas that is able to help them make food. The atmophers is also known for traces of neon, helium, methane, krypton, xenon, hydrogen, and ozone.
The troposphere extends 10 km from earth surface and is 99% water vapor, 75% atmospheric gases.
It is thefirst layer above the earths surface. This is where weather occurs, the temperature cools 6.5 degrees per km of altitude.
The stratosphere is above the tropospherre, it extends 10 km and it is 50 km about earths surface. This layer has a high gas level of what is known as ozone. This is the layer in which jet aircrafts fly and the ozone has harmful rays from the sun.
The mesosphere is 85 km. above earths surface. This layer is the coldest. Meteors and rocks burn here. The mesosphere has a layer of charged particles and radio signals are from here.
The thermosphere is the thickest layer. it is 85km and 500km above earths surface. Aoras is known for high temperatures. This layers warm out the xrays and gamma rays from the sun. Ionosphere is here, which it carries radio waves.
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